If you're visiting this website, life may not be so great. I struggled with acne while in college and could not afford dermatology appointments, much less laser treatments! My username back then was "brokecollegestudent". I would count every dollar I spent. I would research high and low on products. If I bought a $6 cleanser, I wanted to make sure it would work

Therefore, we offer a free Banish Kit to our customers who cannot afford to purchase it.

In exchange, we ask for 3 blog articles to be written and sent to us. Articles need to be approved and chosen for publication by our editor in order to qualify for the free Banish Kit!

The articles must not be published anywhere else and we will publish them on the Banish Blog. They need to be at least 800 words each. Each article must be completely original - no copy and pasting from other places. ( we will scan for this ) Additionally, each article must be well written, with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Make sure each article is titled, and please include a category at the end of the article. Some example categories are: acne, acne scars, your personal acne experience, benefits of certain skincare ingredients, skincare, health.  


You may write about anything skincare/health/and beauty related! We would love to hear about your acne/acne scarring experience plus any tips you have and I'm sure others in the Banish community would love to hear about it as well :)

 Once you are done writing the articles, make sure you proof-read the articles. This program is open to all countries except for the areas we can't ship to.


 1. Send an email to info@banish.com that you are interested in writing 3 articles for a Banish Kit.  Attach 1 original writing sample for us to review, ( about 1-3 paragraphs long ).

2. We will reply back and give you a list of topics to write about as a guide. We ask you include at least one from the provided topics. 

3. When finished, submit all 3 articles to Kyle at info@banish.com.  Please have all articles in a single .doc saved as banishblog-yourname. 

4.  Articles may take up to 2-4 weeks for approval due to the amount of blogs we are sent.

5. Include your shipping address first and last name, and size of banish kit ( roller or stamp ) preferred in the email too when you submit articles. 

That's it! If we have finished reviewing your articles and they meet all the above requirements, we will notify you via email. Articles may take up to 2-4 weeks to read through and approve. Only approved articles writers will be sent the Banish Kit. 

Please note that if you do choose to send us your articles, Banish has the right to post it on the Banish Blog with minor edits if needed for other Banish Soldiers to read :)